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Archives - Inventory Atlas

Federal Sites of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Region

Map of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

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Click here for sites in the Western Gulf of Mexico.

Click on the lettered boxes for detailed maps.

There are several types of sites in the Eastern Gufl of Mexico Region. The number of each type located in the region is listed in parentheses. Click the program name to link to a description of the program.
National Marine Sanctuary (0)
National Estuarine Research Reserve (3)
National Wildlife Refuge (15)
National Marine Fisheries Service (5)
Critical Habitat Area
Fisheries Management Zone
National Park System (1)
National Seashore

Map Projection: Lambert Equal-Area Azimuthal with a central meridian of –100 and a reference latitude of 45.
Data Sources: Boundaries - NOAA and DOI; Topography - USGS; Bathymetry - David Sandwell, University of California, San Diego

Map of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Region Area A
Click Image for Larger View
""Area A
1. "" Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
2. Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge
3. Reef Fish Stressed Area
(also appears in Western Gulf of Mexico Region)
4. Desoto Canyon Closed Area
5. Gulf Islands National Seashore
(also appears in Western Gulf of Mexico Region)

Map of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Region Area B
Click Image for Larger View
""Area B
6. "" Madison-Swanson Spawning Site
7. St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge
8. Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve
9. St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
10. Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge
11. Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge
12. Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge
13. Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge
14. Florida Middle Ground Habitat Area of Particular Concern
15. Steamboat Lumps Spawning Site

Map of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Region Area C
Click Image for Larger View
""Area C
16. "" Pinellas National Wildlife Refuge
17. Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge
18. Passage Key National Wildlife Refuge

Map of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Region Area D
Click Image for Larger View
""Area D
19. "" Island Bay National Wildlife Refuge
20. Pine Island National Wildlife Refuge
21. J.N. `Ding` Darling National Wildlife Refuge
22. Matlacha Pass National Wildlife Refuge

Map of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Region Area E
Click Image for Larger View
""Area E
23. "" Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
24. Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge
25. Tortugas Shrimp Sanctuary
For sites in the Florida Keys area, see the South Atlantic Region Map.



Revised September 08, 2023 by the MPA Webmaster.
Site jointly managed by the U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA and the U.S. Department of the Interior