Education & Training
The National Marine Protected Areas Center offers links to education
materials and training opportunities to increase understanding
and awareness of MPAs among government agencies, coastal and marine
educators, and their audiences.
A slide presentation describes the MPA Center’s previous
education project: MPA
Education Project presentation (pdf, 287 kb)
Other MPA Education Resources Include:
Information Exchange for
Marine Educators
Education Materials
Education Workshops
Contact Information
Exchange for Marine Educators
This monthly e-newsletter, supported by the NOAA Office of Education,
is intended to improve the availability of education information
to MPA practitioners and the public, encourage exchange of information
and programs, and promote collaboration among educators. It includes
information about marine education programs and activities, professional
development opportunities, and funding sources. It also includes
a section for the educators to post requests for information.
The email provides a brief overview of each program along with
a website or contact information for more information.
This information has been compiled from many different public
sources, including web searches, extracting from Listservs such
as NSTA Express, edinfo at FREE, CREEC, EEinGEORGIA, EE-NEWS @NAAEE,
and others. The Department of Commerce/NOAA does not necessarily
endorse the views expressed or the facts presented on the program
sites. While every attempt has been made to verify the website
addresses when the monthly email is sent, we cannot guarantee
the continued accuracy of website addresses.
The posted version of each file is formatted for convenient
printing. The monthly email update is sent out as a Microsoft
Word© document, containing active links to the different
websites. If you'd like to receive the monthly update,
please send a blank message to
with "subscribe infoexchange" in the subject field.
Issue of Information Exchange for Marine Educators - July (pdf, 60 kb)
Programs, Activities, and Websites A-M (pdf, 904 kb)
Programs, Activities, and Websites N-Z (pdf, 808 kb)
and Funding (pdf, 660 kb)
and Temporary Opportunities (pdf, 151 kb)
(pdf, 43 kb)
Protected Area Information (pdf, 44 kb)
for Information (pdf, 133 kb)
and Professional Development (pdf, 557 kb)
(pdf, 216 kb)
Resources on the Web
There are many educational materials available that are pertinent
to MPA education. Materials about habitat, biodiversity, fisheries,
and many other topics are relevant to MPAs. A nationally recognized
ocean science Web site for teachers is the BRIDGE Web site. The
links that are referenced in the site have been reviewed by scientists
for scientific content, and by teachers for usefulness of the
content. The BRIDGE Web site provides a comprehensive list of
marine education curricula and activities.
Library is an extensive resource that provides an MPA bibliography
of articles and books, along with listings and links to institutions
and organizations that focus on MPA management, research and policies.
In addition, it provides a convenient listing of upcoming conferences
and links to the conference Web sites.
The MPA Education Poster, with Illustrations Created
by Jim Toomey
The MPA education poster, developed with the generous support
of Sherman’s Lagoon cartoonist Jim Toomey, highlights some
of the different types of marine protected areas designated by
federal agencies. The poster graphics emphasize the broad geographic
distribution of MPAs throughout the United States. The individual
cartoon panels underscore the different values provided by MPAs,
such as biodiversity conservation and cultural resource protection.
The poster is available for educational purposes by contacting
The MPA poster highlights some of the different
marine protected areas designated by federal agencies. The
artwork was contributed by cartoonist Jim Toomey. |
Companion materials have been developed to accompany the poster.
The first piece provides information specific to each of the MPA
sites shown on the poster, along with Web links for more in-depth
Education Poster Site Descriptions (pdf, 1240 kb)
A second piece, designed to help educators use the poster to introduce
MPAs to their students, provides background material about MPAs
and a series of questions that can be used to lead a discussion
on some of the resources protected by MPAs.
Poster Activity Sheet (pdf, 224 kb)
In 2001 and 2002, the MPA Center held a series of regional workshops
designed for educators and education intermediaries from the National
Estuarine Research Reserves, National Marine Sanctuaries, the
National Sea Grant College Program, Department of the Interior
programs, non-governmental organizations, aquaria, science museums,
and similar institutions. Special effort was made to include educators
from a broad range of regional programs to foster networking and
an exchange of ideas. The workshops were designed to:
- increase awareness and understanding of MPA issues, different
types of MPAs and their management, and the value of MPAs;
- promote the inclusion of MPA themes and messages in existing
and new marine and coastal education programs;
- foster development of inter-agency education partnerships;
- solicit recommendations from educators and education intermediaries
about additional support that the MPA Center could provide.
For an executive summary of the findings from the workshops and
our response, click
here. (pdf, 94 kb) Each workshop summary is also available
below. Presentations from the workshop are available for review.
You may use them as they stand, or adapt them for your use. Please
click here for the
workshop presentation page.
MPA Education Workshop Reports
The MPA Center held a series of education workshops for coastal
and marine educators in 2001 and 2002. Links to workshop reports
are found here.
River (pdf, 112 kb)
The East Coast regional workshop was held on November 19-20, 2001,
at The Aspen Institute's Wye River Conference Center on Maryland's
eastern shore. It drew participants from programs from New Hampshire
to South Carolina. Presentations included the goals and activities
of the National MPA Center; the National Academy of Science's
report on MPA benefits and limitations; Sea Web's report on American
public attitudes towards MPAs; and Social Science and MPA Management
Morro Bay (pdf, 259 kb)
This West Coast regional workshop was held on September 3-5,
2002, at The Inn at Morro Bay west of San Luis Obispo, California.
It drew participants from programs from Alaska to California.
The presentations included overviews of National MPA efforts,
natural and social science of MPAs and SeaWeb’s report on
American attitudes.
Harbors (pdf, 268 kb)
This Great Lakes regional workshop was held on September 25-27,
2002, at The Two Harbors Resort and Conference Center, outside
of Duluth, MN. It drew participants from Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota,
Ohio, and Wisconsin. The presentations included overviews of the
National MPA Center, natural and social MPA science and research
efforts, and SeaWeb’s report on American attitudes towards
marine reserves.
For More Information