Hawaii Coastal Use Mapping Project

screenshot of the Interactive Data Viewer
Interactive Data Viewer

The Hawaii Coastal Use Mapping Project is an innovative partnership between NOAA's National Marine Protected Areas Center, NOAA's Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO), the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR), and NOAA'sPacific Islands Fisheries Science Center. The project was designed to enhance ocean management by gathering geospatial data on human uses of the nearshore ocean environment in the Kawaihae-Keahole region of Hawaii Island. It has provided an unprecedented, comprehensive, consistent and spatially explicit picture of human uses for management agencies, policy makers and stakeholders interested in sound and equitable ocean governance. Using participatory GIS concepts and applications, the mapping project generated spatial data and map products illustrating patterns, intensity, and qualitative information on both extractive and non-extractive/recreational uses. The resulting datasets depict patterns of ocean use on a broad scale appropriate for a variety of ocean planning and management needs. Specifically, the data will be used by DAR and The Nature Conservancy in a Conservation Action Planning process engaging local stakeholders in resource management and protection.

Mapping Project Products and Tools

Interactive Data Viewer

This application provides online access to the Hawaii Coastal Use Mapping Project data through an interactive map environment. Use this tool to view, compare and contrast data layers and analyses at a variety of scales. Click here to launch the Interactive Data Viewer. (First time users, please expect a one-time delay while the application loads. Application will not work on 64-bit browsers.).

GIS Data

The spatial database derived from the Hawaii Coastal Use Mapping Project contains processed data for all the uses mapped with detailed metadata describing the process steps. A map document (.mxd) with sample layouts, layer files for applying suggested symbologies, and various accessory data layers used throughout the data compilation are also included in the zipped data. Click here to access the zipped data (1 MB). Click here to download a simplified version of the data viewable in Google Earth.


Various sorts of maps and analytical products can be derived from the Hawaii Coastal Use Mapping Project GIS data. Below are links to static map products for each use. These maps can be used to inform ocean management decisions and identify hot spots and potential conflict zones for various combinations of ocean uses in the Kawaihae-Keahole region of Hawaii. Click here to download map products (58 MB).


See links below for background documents and related resources for the Hawaii Coastal Use Mapping Project:

For Additional Information

Mimi D'Iorio, GIS Manager, MPA Center

Arielle Levine, Regional Coral Reef Social Scientist, NOAA PIRO 

Petra MacGowan, Planner, HI DAR


These maps are presented as a reference tool, not as an aid to navigation. Use full-scale navigational charts for purposes of navigation.